The 12-Month Scaling Program
“When I started my first business, life looked good!
I was making money, I was in demand and I was loving it!
What more could I ask for?”
But Soon Enough
I came up against the 3 biggest obstacles that most sole operators and small business owners face:
“I was trapped by my own business, working 100 hour weeks, living on breadcrumbs and had zero social life. In so many ways I was worse off than having a job.
But that was 35 years ago. And since then I’ve learnt a trick or two.
I worked out how to bridge that gap from lifetime-jail-term-business to scalable- saleable-real-business in all my 28+ businesses in the following 30 years
… and you can too!
Join Our 12-Month SME Scaling Program and Learn:
The Program
In this 12-Month Program, we meet (online) every month for a 3-hour Coaching and Mastermind session where we:
This is the summary of the topics discussed in each of those 12 sessions over the course of the year.
As you can see we cycle through the most urging needs of the three barriers to scaling your business :
As you can see we cycle through the most urging needs of the three barriers to scaling your business :
We know change is hard.
We know there will be difficulties and unresolved questions
We know that one size does NOT fit all.
Therefore, you will also receive:
All this value from two seasoned and experience serial entrepreneurs for only:
$1,497 + GST (if you live in Australia)
per month in 12 equal payments
One $14,970 + GST
upfront payment for the 12-month program,
get 2 months free!
If you have any specific questions in relation to this program or would like to discuss this on a phonecall please send us a message below:
*indicates required