Wise move!

We are sure you will receive AWESOME value from your Innovest SME Membership. Enjoy!

Please create a username and password and fill in your Paypal/credit card details here to authorise for your membership fees to be charged.

Membership Level change

You have selected the Google Adwords | $99+GST per week membership level.

Starter Google Adwords campaign set up and management for one product/brand

The value of this membership is 99+GST = $108.90/week

The price for membership is $108.90 per Week.

Account Information Already have an account? Log in here


Payment Information We Accept Visa, Mastercard, and American Express

Terms of Services

Participation Agreement

This Agreement is between you and Pivot Point Pty Ltd ( ABN 18658985132) trading as InnovestSME (us, we or our) and relates to your memberships noted herein.

Training, Coaching and Mastermind Programs:

  1. As a participant in a Program you understand information, techniques, skills and concepts shared by trainers, coaches , consultants and speakers and all audio and video recordings, on-line training videos, information, manuals, checklists, documents, websites and other materials (Program Materials) are intended as educational materials and are not to be relied on as "professional" advice. You indemnify INNOVESTSME in all cases in electing to use the information and advice provided.
  2. During sessions, some speakers and members may choose to share with you private information that they do not want repeated outside the SME Business Mastermind Program environment. If informed, please be respectful and refrain from discussing such information outside the environment.
  3. SME Business Mastermind Program Materials and user names and passwords provided to you (if any) are confidential and must not be given to or shared with people outside the SME Business Mastermind Program community. The only exception to this is you may share relevant information with your staff for the purposes of them implementing the ideas shared into your business.
  4. No part of SME Business Mastermind Program Materials may be copied, modified, licensed, published, transmitted, distributed, uploaded, broadcast, sold or otherwise transferred without our prior consent.
  5. If you are in a membership program: you may cancel your membership after your initial term. Simply send us an email 14-days prior to your next payment date. You will then be contacted to confirm this action and any login will be suspended at the end of your payment cycle. Login details may also be cancelled if you are in breach of this Agreement.
  6. InnovestSME training is only able to be attended by the designated member included within this participation agreement. If in the event that you are not able to attend please advise us with 5 days notice to discuss possible alternative arrangements.
  7. You understand that InnovestSME may take photos and film InnovestSME live events.You give permission for this footage to be used for the creation of DVD products or turned into online videos without financial or other consideration.
  8. We reserve the right to vary this Agreement and original materials content, cancel or reschedule part of a Program or to make other arrangements as reasonably required.
  9. No representations or warranties are made with respect to the results to be obtained from participating in any InnovestSME Program unless such undertaking is specified in writing by us. Any Money Back Guarantee that may be offered by InnovestSME is contingent upon you having achieved 100% of the goals and KPI’s you have committed to each month.

Shared Office Space and Office Facilities:

1. Payment

You agree to pay the service fees for the period indicated in the Schedule. The fee is payable either monthly or yearly. The fee is charged at the beginning of the term. Termination within the term will not result in a refund of funds for unused time.
The fixed fee unless stated would exclude GST and you are required to pay any applicable business or government taxes, including GST.

Payment must be made within 7 days of an invoice. Late payments will collect interest at a rate of 10% per annum. Legal/collection fees may be added to the debt if those services are required.

2. Additional Charges for Services

You acknowledge that in addition to our service fees payable there may be additional charges for our Support Charges. The fees for our Support Charges can be found in our “Service Guide”.

You understand that we may change our rates from time to time to suit our business model.

3. Use of Premises
You must not use the services or premises for an illegal purpose, or cause a nuisance through your use of the premises, or interfere with the reasonable peace, comfort or privacy of any other Customer, occupant or staff member of Innovest. Breach of this provision will result in immediate termination of service. No refund will be provided.

4. Term

This agreement is either:
a) A month to month Agreement which may be terminated by you or Innovest by giving one month’s written notice to terminate the agreement;
b) an annual Agreement which may be terminated by you or Innovest with one month’s written notice but no refunds or credits will be provided for unused time.

5. Breach

If you are in breach of this Agreement, Innovest may serve written notice on you to remedy the breach. If you do not remedy the breach within three (3) business days of being sent the notice, Innovest may terminate this Agreement.

6. Indemnity

You agree to indemnify Innovest and all of Innovest’s employees, agents, affiliates and subcontractors against all losses, damages and expenses which you or any of your employees, agents or contractors may sustain by reason of any neglect, misconduct, or non-performance. Innovest or any of it’s employees, agents, affiliates and subcontractors will not in any circumstances have any liability for loss of your business, loss of profits, loss of anticipated savings, loss or damage to data, third party claims or any consequential loss. You should consider whether to insure against all such potential loss, damage, expense or liability.

7. Dispute

Should any dispute arise as to the meaning or application of any condition of this agreement Innovest’s decision shall be final and binding upon all parties.

8. Discarded Property

If you leave any property on Innovest’s premises, Innovest may dispose of that property at your cost in any way Innovest chooses, if such property is not removed off the remises within 7 days after ay cessation of this Agreement

9. Guarantee

If you are a company, the director or person who executes this Agreement on behalf of you jointly and severally and for valuable consideration given by you, guarantees to Innovest:

Payment of each and all sums of money, interest and damages (whether present, future, contingent, liquidated or unliquidated) for which you may now or later be liable to Innovest pursuant to this Agreement; and

Due, prompt observance and performance of all your obligations under or in relation to the Agreement or arising from or connected with the Agreement, its subject matter or any relationship referable to either of them or both alone or jointly with any person, firm or corporation (collectively the Guaranteed Obligations).

This guarantee will be a continuing guarantee for the purpose of securing the whole of the Guaranteed Obligations notwithstanding any partial payment or performance.
