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The 3 Barriers that Stop
Small Businesses Growing

and how to crush them

Free Meet up image
6:00 – 8:30 PM | WED MAY 23
City of Sydney RSL | 565 George St, Sydney NSW 2000
With Rick Chisholm text
Sky news business small logo
"When I started my first business, life looked good!
I was making money, I was in demand and I was loving it!
What more could I ask for?"
Problem in Business cover
Innovest SME Logo

The 3 Barriers that Stop Small Businesses Growing

and how to crush them

Free Meet up image
6:00 – 8:30 PM | WED MAY 23
City of Sydney RSL | 565 George St, Sydney NSW 2000
"When I started my first business, life looked good! I was making money, I was in demand and I was loving it! What more could I ask for!"
With Rick Chisholm text
Sky news business small logo
Problem in Business image
Innovest SME Logo

The 3 Barriers that Stop Small Businesses Growing

and how to crush them

Free Meet up image
6:00 – 8:30 PM | THU MAY 17
City of Sydney RSL | 565 George St, Sydney NSW 2000
"When I started my first business, life looked good! I was making money, I was in demand and I was loving it! What more could I ask for!"
with Rick Chisholm
Sky news business small logo
Problem in Business image
Innovest-SME Logo

The 3 Barriers that Stop Small Businesses Growing

and how to crush them

Problem in Business image
Free Meet up image
6:00 – 8:30 PM | WED MAY 23
City of Sydney RSL | 565 George St, Sydney NSW 2000
With Rick Chisholm text
Sky news business small logo
"When I started my first business, life looked good! I was making money, I was in demand and I was loving it! What more could I ask for!"

But soon enough,

I came up against the 3 biggest obstacles that
most sole operators and small business owners face:
Time Icon


There’s never enough time to work on growing the business, let alone improve my current operations or train staff to help me out. I was king s$%t in my business, so there were never enough hours in the day to get things done.

Money Icon


Cash was often scarce, far too often. As soon as I got money in the bank, I’d spend it on marketing to make more money.. or on staff to help save time.. or on new stock to grow the business. So there was hardly ever enough money…

Team Icon


And when I did manage to have enough money to employ someone to help, I found that they’re either incapable of doing the job as good as I wanted it done.. or they’re just too good… good enough to compete against me! Grrrr

“I was trapped by my own business, working 100 hour weeks, living on breadcrumbs and had zero social life. In so many ways I was worse off than having a job.

But that was 35 years ago. And since then I’ve learnt a trick or two.

I worked out how to bridge that gap from lifetime-jail-term-business to scalable- saleable-real-business in all my 28+ businesses in the following 30 years

… and you can too!

With Rick Chisholm - dash
6:00 – 8:30 PM | WED MAY 23
City of Sydney RSL | 565 George St, Sydney NSW 2000
Rick image - gray background and logo tall

Come along to my next meetup,

network with other like-minded business owners and hear me share:
  • How I overcame those 3 mighty beasts
  • The business formula that works for EVERY business, whether you’re in personal training, e-commerce or wholesale. If you use this method to prioritise your efforts, you WILL get there
  • How you can have your cake AND eat it too, by doing the thing you love (aka the reason you started this business) but still have a lifestyle that won’t suffer if you feel like taking a break for a month or two… or three
  • How you can escape the life sentence of small-business-jail and get your
    life back..

Because you’ve earned it!!

Where you’ve seen Rick

sky news business - black and white logo           inside small business - black and white logo           Dynamic business - black and white logo           b2b expo - black and white logo           startcon - black and white logo

Michel Nicholson

Michel Nicholson
Automation Squared

“Innovest doesn’t provide your garden variety training and mentoring.The entrepreneurs and mentors in residence provide practical information and advice, which embody a ‘lean’ mantra. I have improved orders of magnitude each day. Just when you think you’re getting comfortable, these guys cough up confronting and challenging idea’s and IP and you improve by another order of magnitude.”

Ishwar Shretha - Testimony image

Ishwar Shretha
AWL Accounting

“Incredible wealth of knowledge and great directions to managing and growing a successful business. Rick is a seasoned entrepreneur!”

Hayder Shkara

Hayder Shkara
Neat Law, Olympic Athlete 2013-2016

“When you first start working with Rick, you’ll immediately feel his contagious energy. Rick gave me advice that had an immediate impact on my business. Over the past months, his guidance has been critical to the growth of my firm. I’ve had plenty of sports coaches, so working with a business coach made perfect sense to me. I’m happy to say that it has definitely paid off!”

The 3 Barriers that Stop Small Businesses Growing and How to Crush Them


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Please contact us if you would like to know if spaces are still available.

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